Tough Guise

Thanks to Ellie B. for passing along this useful (and under-discussed) commentary on how the media plays a part in promoting often unhealthy and dangerous male roles.

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12 Responses to Tough Guise

  1. Julia Ortinez-Hansen says:

    Thanks so much for putting this up. I think that it is very critical that the stereotypes that men get put into is critical and something that a lot of people over look. I thought it was very interesting in the beginning when there were quick clips of men defining what a “real man” was and how they all said very similar words. I feel that women would do that same when describing their selves as well.

  2. Heidi Payghambari says:

    I’ve seen this documentary before and I could not help but connect it with this clip that I saw in a previous class which basically evaluates the effect of the media on females. It is not a very recent video but makes great points nonetheless on how women are falsely portrayed in some advertisements.

  3. Leah Kennedy says:

    I am a huge fan of Jackson Katz and I saw him when he came and spoke on campus this past year. One point I really liked in this video is that this media message does not only affect men, but it teaches women that they should expect this sort of man in a relationship. As he says, women need to look for more in a relationship and ask more of men so that this tough guy mantra does not get them far in life. I also really agree Julia about the idea that stereotypes in the media stay consistent so individuals of both genders would describe themselves similarly.

  4. Katie Doyle says:

    I watched this in my Soc 207 class winter term with Chuck Hunt. Responding to what Leah said.. I think it is a problem that this image of a man is what women are supposed to be looking up to and choosing to associate themselves with. When in reality, the qualities in a man that the media brings are usually violent and should not be anything what women would want to look up to. Its a weird thing to discuss because no one really thinks about it on a day to day basis but when these issues get talked about like this, it becomes more serious. Why is it that most people brush these things off until its being brought to their attention. Is the media too strong? is it keeping us from seeing what is going on?

  5. Ellie Boggs says:

    This is such an under-discussed topic, I’m curious to hear what guys have to say about this video. So far only girls have posted comments. Do you agree with what Jackson Katz is saying in the clip?

  6. Amazing video. My husband has mentioned the desire to feel more powerful in a male role when he was in middle/high school and has consciously chose to live up to such roles as protector and confider, instead of trying to fit in the box and be a fighter. He does not exactly fit into the “box” that Katz describes, instead he utilizes comedy and academia to connect with people. I believe that Katz is right, if women continue to show an acceptance or attractiveness towards the “bad boy front” then we can continue to expect some men to turn to violence as a show of male bravado.

  7. David Lee says:

    I remembering watching this in J314 class. What I am glad to say though is that this is quite old and times have changed somewhat. The media now does not portray men as having to be tough guys as much now which is a good thing. However, now I feel as a man that advertisements are telling that your manhood is measured by how many girls you can get with commercials like the Axe ones.

  8. allyson flournoy says:

    One other kind of “man” that is being portrayed in the media is the “quirky” or “nerdy” guy. Although typically chick flicks will have very masculine men playing the main role, I think that on top of the tough guy being portrayed in media there is also the nerdy quirky guy. That type of person is gaining popularity in our society. Jim Halpert from The Office. He is a perfect example of being a quirky nerdy guy that everyone loves.

  9. Layc Looney says:

    I’ve seen this documentary before as well, and it still baffles me how guys want to portray themselves in this light. I have never been interested in guys who go around picking fights, trying to put up a front, and acting out to get attention in these ways. But I do understand how our culture has embedded the “tough guy” image into their minds, and how boys have interpreted it in this sort of way. However, I have caught myself asking little boys who are crying why they were crying, and telling them if they were tough they wouldn’t be crying, cause boys don’t cry… So in this sense I can see where boys get the image of not showing emotion and having to be strong.

  10. Similar to Katie, I also saw this in my Soc207 class with Chuck Hunt. It was very interesting but I agree with David that perhaps these perceptions are a little outdated, not to say they aren’t slightly relevant though. I always wonder in cases like this though if media shapes society or if society shapes media. Kind of a “chicken before the egg or egg before the chicken?” concept and we will probably never know.

  11. Amber Heitkemper says:

    I watched this also in my soc class and I agree that the perceptions are out dates but it also still shows that man today like to be tuff and want to have that image. You can see it is many ads today.

  12. Max Williams says:

    I kind of disagree that these gender roles are outdated. While the ads today may not be quite as noticeably promoting the “tough guise” I still think that it is something that men are expected to be in many ads.

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